Sell your business with no upfront fees!

Find just the right buyer for your business

We Build Relationships

For nearly 20 years our team has been helping businesses across the country become more successful. We understand that buyers and sellers forge relationships that may last many years. 


We understand the decision to sell your business is a highly personal one. We treat your information with the utmost respect and do not share details with any of your employees, competitors, or vendors without your permission. We protect your interests by sharing details only with qualified buyers who are motivated to purchase your business.

Our Unique Process

We know exactly how to locate the right prospects who will be interested in acquiring your business.

By specializing in service businesses, our narrow focus helps us find multiple qualified prospects for your business. Mulitple prospects means you can find just the right buyer to carry on the legacy of your business. 

We Understand Financials

We have a deep understanding of the complexities of business financial documents. We know that financial statements are often designed to help the business owner lower tax liability and don’t reflect the true profit potential of a business. Carefully, we help prospective buyers understand this so your financial records do not work against you. 

We Market Aggressively

We know that selling your business requires using a multichannel approach. We bring in qualified, motivated buyers by using multiple mediums to get your message to just the right people. And we  protect your sensitive information by requiring non-disclosure agreements with any buyer prospects we discuss your business with.